Why do I write flash fiction

Why do I write flash fiction

I always believed that brevity was not the sister of my talent. Short form had never appealed to me. After all, I always dreamt of the story immersion, the level of worldbuilding and character development that creates a Virtual Story Reality for the writer and the reader.

Full Immersion by Gemma Amor

Full Immersion by Gemma Amor

One of the motivations for me to read “Full Immersion” by Gemma Amor was the title. Yes, I read the blurb of the book eventually, and I understood that “Full immersion” would likely refer to the protagonist’s experience – the technological innovations and experimental treatment she gets.

The Ink Black Heart by Robert Galbraith

The Ink Black Heart by Robert Galbraith

Over 1000 pages makes a long detective story, but Galbraith’s series moved into that direction, starting with the fourth book, which crossed the 700-page threshold. However, despite being very detailed, the narrative manages to keep the reader invested into the story.

Code of Affliction: Deceit [Chapter 04]

Code of Affliction: Deceit [Chapter 04]

She could see the LEDs flaring through the door opening but did not rush to follow. She had no desire to meet those mutants again, whoever they were. It was easy for the voice to say they were irrelevant and then use them to capture her. However, she could not be hiding here forever. In the end, if the voice wanted, they could send those creatures here.