Short story publication in “Utopia of Us”

by | Jun 7, 2024 | news | 0 comments

My story was selected for the anthology “Utopia Of Us” published by Luna Press Publishing. It was launched last weekend on the 1st of June – the perfect start of the summer season – at Cymera festival.


It is amazing to be part of the collection of stories written by talented writers, to see all the interpretations and inspirations they gave to Zamyatin’s novel “We”. I have already read it myself from cover to cover and seriously could not put it down.


The book is available from Luna Press shop by this link


And if you are curious to read about the inspirations for the story, you can pop onto the Luna Press Blog, where we all talk about our take on the original story. Here were some of my thoughts on it

Written by Nadya Mercik

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