Find the Prologue and 4 first Chapters of the brand-new story “Code of Affliction”!

Low terraforming and viral gene therapy create new Homo sapiens subspecies and change the history of humanity. What does progress mean in such society? What does it mean to be human? How far will you go to rectify the mistakes in such society? Or to preserve your identity? Questionable future. Unpredicted adventures. And two people brought together against all odds.

Written by inklore
More to read:
Why do I write flash fiction
I always believed that brevity was not the sister of my talent. Short form had never appealed to me. After all, I always dreamt of the story immersion, the level of worldbuilding and character development that creates a Virtual Story Reality for the writer and the reader.
How I Taught Myself Plotting
My writing started as imagination running wild and it always stemmed from a visual scene, where the characters, well, often suffered or were amidst one damn-crazy conflict. You can say that I always was the one for a bit of drama, a big bit.